Users in the seller portal can fall under three different roles: auction owners and observers.
The auction owner controls their auction, and is able to:
- View all details and notifications related to their auction
- Create teams and invite users to join them
- Invite observers to their auction and remove observers
- Change the ownership of their auction
- You can only transfer auction ownership from yourself to a team you are part of or vice versa
- Note: if you transfer auction ownership from your team to only yourself, your fellow team members will lose access to the auction, unless they are also added as observers.
Observers can see all details of the auctions you add them to and can add other observers, but cannot make any other changes. Owners can add observers to their auction from within the Seller Portal by following these steps:
- On any auction details page, scroll down to the Auction Team section and click the Add button in the Observers section.
- In the pop-up window, submit an email address or team number to add observers.