Seller FAQs
- Item Policies
- Can I remove a lot from my auction?
- Are there restrictions on items that can be sold?
- How do I use the MaxSold Seller App for Smartphones?
- Unpaid Invoices
- How do I sell on MaxSold?
- How do I review my MaxSold Managed Catalog?
- How do I log in to the Seller Portal if I previously used a Facebook account?
- How long should my MaxSold Auction run?
- How should I group my items into lots?
- How do I create a Seller Portal team and add team members?
- What does the Seller Portal do and how do I sign up?
- How do I host my Seller Managed pickup event?
- Do I need a different login from the seller app/draft platform for the Seller Portal?
- How do I choose which images are used to advertise my auction?
- What is the notification section in the Seller Portal? Can I turn it off?
- What are the different user roles in the Seller Portal?
- How do I add new users to contribute to my Seller Managed draft catalog?
- How do I download the MaxSold Seller App?
- How can I keep track of my auction in the Seller Portal? What do the progress and metrics sections mean?
- How do I report bugs or issues with the MaxSold Seller App?
- Can I edit my user profile in the Seller Portal?
- How do I use the MaxSold Seller app with multiple catalogers?
- Can I change my email address or login in details in the Seller Portal?
- Is there a character limit for lot titles or descriptions?
- How do I review my Seller Managed draft catalog and set my auction dates?
- How do I become a business partner with MaxSold?
- What permissions do I need to conduct a sale at my location?
- How does MaxSold market auctions?
- What is the difference between a Seller Managed auction and a MaxSold Managed auction?